Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Jazz WebQuest

It's post concert series and now I get to look forward to my unit about jazz music. I had to design this WebQuest for a graduate course at Kent State (my online program) and found it actually a lot of fun to do!

1. The Link -

The first page shows jazz greats Billie Holiday and Louis Armstrong. The students are split into groups and allowed to pick a jazz artist, however they cannot duplicate which artist they want to research. Since we're from Iowa I try to suggest Glen Miller, or even Benny Goodman from Illinois, but a mean jazz clarinet player.

After those artists are picked it was time to go into the next step of the project. I had originally planned to use Google Slides, however my students don't currently have access to that, so I decided to meet with our teacher library Dixie Forcht - (follow her @dixieforcht) to discuss other options. One of these options went from GarageBand, but from there we decided on using iMovie. The students' new task is now to create a movie trailer based on their jazz artist. They are to speak as though they are the producer/director of this film and they will be presenting the information requested in great detail.

That being said I'm working with the students to save their notes through Google Docs, so they may share them with their classmates, so they can access them whenever they need them.

The biography sections requires the family history of the artist. Where are they from? What's their birthday day? Did they have siblings? What other things may they have done?

The next section requires the students to research the instrument that their performer used. What can they tell their peers about it? Was it typically used for jazz band/concert band/orchestra? Also, mind blowing enough, the voice is an instrument! What kind of style do they use? What's Ella Fitzgerald doing? Scatting of course!

The last section requires the students to obtain a video of their performer. Since I'm not exactly sure what is available through TeacherTube, my goal is to have students conference with me about the different pieces and research that specific piece. Where was it recorded? What instruments are included? What makes it unique?

The first time I did this project I had a wonderful teaching moment. I had a group choose Billie Holiday. As many of you know, Lady Day, had well, a colorful past and also some heart wrenching songs to be sung/heard. This group choose the piece Strange Fruit. Now I wanted to see how this tiny school's students would take a piece like this so I allowed it. Eventually a student in the group approached me and asked in greater detail what it was about. This student was African American. The race typically wouldn't matter, unless you were researching this piece. Strange Fruit is a song, sung about "strange fruit" hanging from a tree. Yes a tree. Meaning this had to do with the hanging of members of the black culture. Dang! Right?! To top it off, she sang that in prominent jazz clubs as a black performer to a bunch of white aristocrats. The room feel silent. This was a powerful moment, because we can look at the historical importance of this piece and this event to see where we've come from and how we're still growing as a society.

While students are finding their facts, they will be citing their sources in an MLA format with the help of Ms. Forcht.

The last portion is a self reflection. This allows members of a group to be completely honest with themselves and about their peers. I hope that we have the same results this time around.

The trailers will feature music by the artist and the movie talks with allow the students to see how they could portray the life and times of the performers.

Feel free to comment/share/ask questions. I'll be making changes to this over the summer!

Thanks - Travis @traviszinnel

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