Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tip 45 - Be an Advocate!

We are, as arts educators, afraid of our programs being put on the chopping block of budget cuts. How do you ensure that you are safe...or better protected?

In our music seminar this last week we met with Leon Kuehner a retired band director for Hampton, Iowa. He is an At-Large member of the Executive Board of the Iowa Alliance for Arts Education (IAAE). He shared that we need to advocate for ourselves and our programs by doing a few things:

1. Create allies - We need to be in close relations with our fellow visual arts teachers, other music teachers, drama teachers, physical education, and others. You probably notice that these are (in the elementary setting) the "specials". We are the extra co-curricular courses in which students get to show a different side of themselves. We need to share interest in all areas and create allies through involvement and support of these other disciplines.

2. Be informed! - we need to constantly be informed of the business of the school. Leon suggested that we don't only keep ourselves informed, but inform others. Schedule a time to sit in on a school board meeting. We need to share our progress with the board and the community - this keeps the program's name out there.

3. Schedule time to speak with your principal - and not when something is wrong. If one only sees the principal when something is wrong then your visits are associated with negative thoughts. By scheduling a time one can share the good things that the program is doing. This reminds them of what's all going on - end with a thank you for your time. Build rapport!

Lastly, Leon shared a special for first year teachers. The IAAE wants to give you money! They will assist you with paying for conferences, professional development, pay for your sub when you're gone for these events, and many others. Attached in this entry is a link for the IAAE. Check this out and keep on keeping on!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Contest - Dignity and Grace

Solo and Small Ensemble contest is a process that many high school musicians go through - whether they be instrumental or vocal. We as teachers need to decide how we prepare our students to do their best. In the Enhancing the Professional Practice of Music Teachers by Paul G. Young he urges teachers to show dignity and grace when it comes time for contest. We prepare our students, but in what ways? We pummel through the music like there's no tomorrow, teaching technique, posture, language, and many other things; there's another step. We need to teach students how to judge themselves. Attached you will find the IHSMA (Iowa High School Music Association Adjudication forms for solo and small ensemble contest. These are guidelines that I believe the students need to be aware of.

Students should see these forms a couple weeks before contest in order to create a mental checklist of things to improve or maintain. Students that participation in solo and small ensemble should also be adjudicating their peers. This can create a third party aspect between the teacher, performer and audience. The audience member can grade the peer on the attached form and give comments to hopefully improve the performer's playing.

Another thing to teach our students is how to accept their rating. Students that get a I should be happy, but not go completely crazy over getting it. If they remain humble this will promote a kinder learning environment with the other students that don't fare so well. In other words no major bragging or putting down of others. Students should realize that the rating is merely an opinion. Students stress over getting a II instead of a I, but they should definitely take a look at the point values. The student may have been very close and that could instill a better sense of achievement.

Lastly, teachers should use these forms to shape their teaching. Like always you will pick what you agree with and throw away what you don't, but remember your student is your responsibility. You should see growth from year to year and this is reinforced by having solo and small ensemble contest. Click here for the adjudication forms.